Title: Self Portrait: One With Wilderness
Size: 3 x 4’
Price $3750.00
Title: Self Portrait: One with Essence
Size: 19 x 23
Price $1250.00
Title: Self Portrait: One With Serenity
Size: 3 x 4’
Price $5000.00
Title: Journey Past the Steps
Size: 8 x 8
Price $250.00
Title: Journey to Sunlit Bliss
Size: 8 x 8
Price $250.00
Title: Hike With Me
Size: 8 x 8
Price $250.00
Title: Nestled in Serenity
Size: 2 x 2’
Price $1125.00
Title: Follow the Flow
Size: 16.5 x 20.5
Price $150.00
Title: Self Love
Size: 16.5 x 20.5
Price SOLD
Title: Adrift
Size: 16.5 x 20.5
Price $150.00
Title: Safety
Size: 16.5 x 20.5
Price $150.00
Title: Wanderer
Size: 25 x 37
Price $625.00
Title: Fleeting
Size: 28 x 22
Price $1875.00
Title: Splendor
Size: 20 x 16
Price $1500.00
Title: To Haven
Size: 4 x 3’
Price $4375.00
Title: Arabel
Size: 5 x 5
Price $75.00
Title: Basil
Size: 5 x 5
Price $75.00
Title: Cornelia
Size: 5 x 5
Price $75.00
Title: Daphne
Size: 5 x 5
Price $75.00
Title: Elenor
Size: 5 x 5
Price $75.00