Acrylic or Watercolour Developmental Painting -8 Mondays 1245p-345p, Oct 7-Dec 9

Acrylic or Watercolour Developmental Painting -8 Mondays 1245p-345p, Oct 7-Dec 9


For those with some painting experience, students can choose to work in either watercolour or acrylic. Cindy will help you further develop your painting skills with demos and technical assistance . Paint seasonal landscapes, mountains and florals, or a project of your choice. Receive demonstrations and hands-on individual assistance with technique and composition. Late beginner to intermediate level.

8 Mondays: 1245-345 p.m.

Oct 7-Dec 9, no class on Oct 14 or Nov 11

$240/person plus supplies, $216 for AAC members

Instructor: Cindy Barratt

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